A jövő közösségimédia-platformjai


Jog-Állam-Politika, 2025/1.235
DOI: 10.58528/JAP.2025.17-1.235



The rise of Web 2.0 has transformed social networks into interactive platforms for dynamic content sharing, fostering user collaboration without spatial or temporal constraints. While these centralized platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, offer optimized user experiences and personalized content, they raise significant concerns about data privacy and user autonomy. Through algorithms and filter bubbles, users are exposed only to content aligned with their preferences, which can lead to intellectual isolation and societal polarization. Centralized platforms monetize user data for targeted advertising, often compromising the user experience and ethical standards. In contrast, decentralized social networks (DOSNs) aim to address these issues by leveraging blockchain technology for secure, transparent, and user-controlled environments. Despite their potential for better privacy and innovative features like token-based rewards and gamification, DOSNs face challenges in scalability, usability, and public trust. This study examines the implications of centralized and decentralized models on user behaviour, privacy, and content moderation while highlighting the need for further adoption of decentralized alternatives to foster a more equitable digital ecosystem.


centralized social networks | decentralized social networks | data privacy | filter bubble | blockchain technology | data privacy


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