A mesterséges intelligencia által támogatott döntéshozatal kihívásai

kereskedelmi ügyekben – Esetjogi áttekintés


Jog-Állam-Politika, 2024/3.151
DOI: 10.58528/JAP.2024.16-3.151

Glavanits Judit


The aim of the following study is to show how the courts answer the theoretical questions raised by the practice in relation to artificial intelligence and automated decision-making processes. The guiding principle of the selection of the cases was to present court decisions that could serve as references for future decisions. The paper seeks to answer three questions addressed by recent case law: (1) what kind of liability issues can be identified behind AI-assisted transactional decision-making and decisions made by algorithms, (2) what kind of liability issues are emerging in case law in relation to autonomous operating companies as special cases of automated decision-making, and (3) whether AI-assisted artistic products can generate copyrights.

The judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union in Case C-634/21 is decisive for the question of the accessibility of the methodology of automated decision-making in banking. The judgment of the Singapore Court of Appeal is authoritative in relation to financial transactions based on automated decision-making and losses resulting from poor programming. An interesting aspect of the Chinese case is that the judgment was handed down by the Beijing Internet Court, one of the first to apply the principle of automated decision-making, in a case involving the copyright assessment of AI-generated content. The fourth case highlights the current malfunctioning of digital autonomous organisations (DAOs) run by virtual companies and the almost immediate impact on legislation that the case has had.


assisted decision-making | automated decision-making | DAO 
| internet court | artificial intelligence


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