Adatvédelem és a mesterséges intelligencia alapú technológiák kapcsolata.

Digitális lábnyom: az emberek online életének lenyomata


Jog-Állam-Politika, 2024/3.263
DOI: 10.58528/JAP.2024.16-3.263

Mozsonyi Norbert


One of the most dramatic processes of our times is the information explosion and the dramatic social transformation that is taking place in its wake. Digital footprints allow us to reconstruct previously hidden structures and relationships, and to change the tools, methodologies and results of cognition. The essence of technology is to be as versatile as possible, using more and more data of different categories and timings, with new solutions and operations evolving on a complex daily basis. This does not make privacy “dead”, as many people think - it is simply that the focus may be on the rules for managing personal data rather than protecting it. In order to harness and reap the benefits of mobile devices, artificial intelligence-based big data technology and hybrid cloud services, we need to facilitate data sharing and we need regulation that allows this to happen while maintaining the confidentiality of the data with the data controller. The first part of the chapter provides an overview of the approach to the protection of fundamental rights and the definition of the conceptual issues of regulation. The second part argues that our current general contract practice is convenient but not right, given the extent to which we need to enforce our fundamental constitutional rights. The third part outlines the framework of a real contractual relationship for data management. The final part offers some preliminary thoughts on the possible obligations of dominant digital platforms. Accordingly, the regulatory presumption that individuals can control the flow of their personal data should be overcome.


artificial intelligence | data protection | complex technology
| digital data | platform


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