Az Európai Ügyészség együttműködési keretrendszere a megerősített együttműködéstől
távol maradó tagállamokkal és harmadik országokkal
Jog-Állam-Politika, 2023/4.43 |
June 1, 2022, is one of the most important milestones in the development of European criminal law. On this day, the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, which is responsible for the investigation and prosecution of perpetrators and their accomplices of crimes against the financial interests of the Union, started its operation. Although the EPPO is the first European Union institution with independent investigative and prosecutorial powers, Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, Poland and Hungary have not yet joined the founding Regulation adopted within the framework of enhanced cooperation. Due to the nature of some transnational crimes affecting the economic interests of the European Union – the value of which, according to some estimates, reaches EUR 50 billion per year – there arises a need for the political engagement of member states and third countries that have not yet joined the Regulation. In this paper, I will attempt to explore the mechanism that the EPPO can use should these countries get involved.
European Public Prosecutor’s Office * non-participating member states * third countries * loyal cooperation * competent authority
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