Az Európai Ügyészség együttműködési keretrendszere az Európai Unió igazságügyi szerveivel



The organic development of European Criminal Law and the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon have opened the path towards the creation of the first investigative and prosecutorial authority with supranational characteristics, which was realised albeit with limited participation from the Member States of the European Union. However, due to the lack of unanimity, the idea to create unified authority from Eurojust foreseen by the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union has fallen. Since the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (‘EPPO’) is dependent on the national authorities and on the already existing European jurisdictional bodies, it was necessary to create an efficient cooperation framework in order to fruit their decade-long know-how and to secure the effective transfer of information. In this paper, I analyse the cooperation framework of the EPPO with EU justice institutions, such as Eurojust, Olaf, and Europol, through its historical development and its jurisdictional limitations.

Keywords: European Public Prosecutor’s Office | cooperation | Eurojust | Olaf | Europol


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Jog-Állam-Politika, 2023/1.
DOI: 10.58528/JAP.2023.15-1.45