BIM-paved roads around Visegrád

The implementation and scientific feedback/analysis of building information modelling in V4 countries


Jog-Állam-Politika, 2023/4.91
DOI: 10.58528/JAP.2023.15-4.91



Construction economy faces new challenges in the 21st century. Sustainability has become an inevitable imperative. Digitalization has permeated every part of our lives. The digital transformation of the construction industry presents many benefits and opportunities, yet it also encounters various barriers that impede innovation and the implementation of new advancements. Due to the conscious management and change of attitude of the construction economy, the adoption and mandatory implementation of Building Information Modelling (BIM) has already become a well-established tradition in Western Europe, the United States, and even Singapore. In Hungary, using BIM methods in public works is not mandatory, but its gradual implementation is on the agenda. Due to the shared economic and political traditions and solutions of the V4 countries, it is worth reviewing the current prevalence of BIM in practice and the available scientific results. This overview study examines public procurements and scientific literature on BIM in Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary. It presents the current state of BIM and the degree of its implementation in public works. In doing so, it highlights some important similarities, differences, as well as potential issues, providing valuable insights for consideration in the implementation process.


BIM Building Information Modelling * digitalization * public works * public contract * public procurement * V4 countries * sustainability


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