Integráció a jogi oktatásban: az elmélet és a gyakorlat kettősségének problematikája
This study deals in some respects with the current questions of legal education. In the first place, it reflects on the empirical studies that provided a comprehensive framework for the backgrounds and characteristics of those entering law teaching in the present time. It is clarified that in the law faculties, tradition has the greatest effect on the relationship of praxis and academic sphere. In Hungary there is a moderate contact and discourse between these two spheres. Furthermore, this study attempts to explain what the term “thinking like a lawyer” means as the most important segment of the knowledge in legal education and how this way of thinking can be obtained. As for the definition of the term, the study employs the theories of Nancy B. Rapoport, Chaterine Valcke, and Bela Pokol. Pokol emphasises that attention must be paid to the professional legal culture, to the autonomy of the legal profession and law. Rapoport and Valcke elaborated on this list by adding argumentative questions and interpretation methods. Regarding the method of instruction, this work is based on the theory of Basil Bernstein. The study has highlighted the integration and collection type of education and the necessity of integration of the various disciplines and classes in legal education. In the following some practical problems are discussed. First of all, a solution for the problem of the Bar exam is outlined. The suggestion is that after completion of the examinations for the various legal professions, assuring the possibility of professional mobilisation, a second examination would be necessary for specific legal professionals. Secondly, in order to enhance the applicability of legal knowledge, the study recommends ‘building a bridge’ between the practical and theoretical instructions.
legal education | law teacher’s sphere | thinking like a lawyer | collection | integration | examination
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