A jó közigazgatási eljárás alapjogi és alapelvi szintű kihívásai
- mesterséges intelligencia vonatkozásában
Jog-Állam-Politika, 2025/1.35 |
„Ne a változástól, az állandóságtól félj!”
From the moment Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Automated Decision Making (ADM) systems started to be applied in administrative decision-making, AI entered the field of
administrative law. Due to the strong constitutional determination of administrative law and its determination by the rule of law, this new circumstance justifies the need to examine administrative law from a constitutional perspective. This paper will examine from two perspectives: on the one hand, which existing rules and principles of administrative
law are particularly relevant to the emergence of ADM and AI, and conversely, which new rules and principles of administrative law may justify the development of AI and ADM.
In our study, we will identify some of the questions we consider key to the interaction between AI and ADM and traditional principles of good administrative procedure (fair
administration). The human factor is at the heart of the application of AI and ADM: how far can the human factor be reduced by automated decision-making based on AI? On the
other hand, is the empowerment of individuals in the decision-making process sufficient to address the challenges posed by AI systems?
good public administration | fair procedure | artificial Intelligence
| automated decision-making
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