A beteg közrehatásának vizsgálata az egészségügyi szolgáltató kárfelelőssége körében

LETÖLTÉS DOI: 10.58528/JAP.2023.15-3.43




In my study, I examine the patient’s obligation of damage control, the obligation of prevention and mitigation of damages from the perspective of the liability or contributory conduct of the patient, taking into account the liablity issues arising from the legal relationship between the health care provider and the patient. The doctrinal context on which the study is based is set out in the section 6:519 of the Civil Code. After discussing certain aspects of the special legal relationship between the health care provider and the patient, as well as the obligations of the patient, I will explain to what extent the contribution of the patient affects the liability of the health care provider under the Civil Code. I will also consider the influence of the contribution of the patient on the enforceability of the claims of relatives and whether the decision to have an unwanted child or a child with a health problem and to refuse a new medical intervention can be regarded as contributory negligence.


* liability * medical liability * compensation * medical law * grievance award



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