A szabad és a kötött mandátum alkotmányjogi összefüggései...
This paper discusses the nature of the parliamentary mandate in the context of fed- eral second chambers. While the free mandate is understood as a paradigmatic element of modern representative institutions, there are certain houses where members have an imperative mandate, meaning they can be recalled or given instructions. By comparing the German Bundesrat, where members are delegates of state governments and have an imperative mandate, and the US Senate, where senators are constitutionally independent of their electorate, we focus on the conceptual relationship between the logic of rep- resentation that a chamber is based on and the nature of the mandate. The paper shows that the free mandate is related to the representation of the nation, while the imperative mandate is a means to represent subnational, territorial interests.
* parliamentarism * national sovereignty * federalism * representation * free mandate * imperative mandate
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