Közvélemény a helyreállító igazságszolgáltatásról – Empirikus kutatás
This study presents the popular opinion on restorative justice in Hungary. We process data from empirical research, which was carried out by myself. It is comparative research helyett The research is comparative. It is comparative research, because the OKRI made a similar questionnaire in this topic. In the first part we outline the definition and history of restorative justice. In the second part we analyse the data from the questionnaires, before drawing a conclusion. I believe that if we check the results, we will see the opinion of people. If I would like to summarise my complex view in this topic, I can tell that people are opened for the restorative justice and they believe that restorative justice can reduce the recidivism.Notwithstanding the fact that people have positive impressions on restorative justice, I think legislators still have some work to do in this area.
restorative justice * criminal mediation * empirical research * penal questionnaire * definition of criminal mediation * opinion on restorative justice * restorative justice in Hungary
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