Mikroállamok, kisállamok – A kategorizáció kérdései


Jog-Állam-Politika, 2024/4.27
DOI: 10.58528/JAP.2024.16-4.27



There are approximately 200 states in the world today, with 193 currently holding membership in the United Nations. Among these are several small states, a group worth examining. However, before delving into this category, it is essential to define which states belong to it. In order to be able to categorise states, one must determine the criteria necessary for statehood.

To analyse small states effectively, it is crucial to establish clear parameters for inclusion in this group. How the states can be categorised? Is it possible to form theoretical categories, or can quantitative measures be used? If so, what metrics should be used: population, territory, GDP, or a combination of these factors? Several articles have explored this topic, and this paper will review some of the key theories and methods proposed.

This analysis aims to highlight the importance of studying small states, as their unique characteristics can offer valuable insights not only for understanding these states themselves but also for broader international and comparative research. Additionally, their distinctive features related to size merit closer examination to uncover their broader implications.


small state | microstate | categorisation | sovereignty | great power


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