A kutatás szabadsága és az ügynökmúlt feltárása

LETÖLTÉS DOI: 10.58528/JAP.2023.15-3.103




This article examines the relationship between freedom of research and the Hungarian Data Protection Ombudsman’s interpretation of fundamental rights through the case law of the Ombudsman. The DPO’s activities in dismantling the state party, the discovery of data of public interest, and the development of fundamental rights in this context constitute an integral part of his jurisprudence. The article points out that in understanding the Hungarian regime change in 1989 and the following decade, it is essential to clarify Hungary’s relationship with its own political past, including the value judgement on political crimes, the exploration of the past, the processing of the past for scientific and artistic purposes, and the taking of positions on all issues that could not be subject to public debate and deliberation during the dictatorship. We consider this to be the case not only with regard to the communist past but also with regard to research into the persecution of the Second World War after the change of regime.


academic research and freedom * data protection ombudsman * case law of the ombudsman * fundamental rights protection


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